The Saying That Kills Your Business

1811-1827 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93304


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The saying that either kills your business or stops you from starting one everyone has heard this saying before in business or if they’re going to start a business or just in their family in general.

Patience is a virtue.

We’ve all heard it and what I can tell you patience is not a virtue.

I’m here to tell you patience is NOT a virtue. It does nothing but delay your goals and delay your success so my advice is let’s get impatient and hit those goals.

Lessons I’ve learned over the course of being in the banking industry for 10 plus years and being almost the same exact position for past 5 years up until the point before I existed is that everybody would tell me, be patient your gonna get that promotion you put in all this hard work as they say, it’s going to pay off it doesn’t.

These corporations are going to pay you what they pay you and it’s about merit and politics and all that nonsense.

When you own your business be impatient push my advice that any of you looking to start a business or grow your business be impatient increase your level to focus on your business on productivity amplify your intent to succeed amplify your daily actions and intentions behind them.

That is how you will be successful in business guys come on.

I tell my team all the time, you want results and you want quick results? Get impatient have goals and relentlessly focus daily on those goals every action you take on a daily basis must be to obtain those goals don’t make excuses get your shit together and accomplish those goals you set on a daily basis.

So if you’re looking for a leadership, looking for mentorship, you’re looking for anything, especially in this real estate market, in business, in general, reach out to us we’re here for you.

I’m always here to have a conversation and give you some of my advice and some of my experiences.


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