Prospecting for Commercial Real Estate Leads

1811-1827 California Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93304


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Hey guys, Eric and Esteban again with Central Valley Property advisors.

Today wanted to follow up on our morning routine video with prospecting.

We touched a little bit on it last time. Today we want to talk about how our guys prospect and where they start.

Our guys all start with a database that we provide to them based on the product type of ownership records.

So Esteban could you tell us a little bit about what we do for prospecting on a daily basis here?

Yea so prospecting is key when it comes to having a successful business as well as a database that is dialed in and the way we work our database is through prospecting right?

Obviously the goal on each of our calls is to really get to know the people that were talking to whether it’s the first touch or the second touch each call is different.

Based on that, you know if you had a first call that went really good but they really didn’t have motivation to do something then the second call would be followed up based on that first conversation and then really guys the goal is to get these people to do three things right?

We want them to know us like us and trust us and when we have those three factors in play then we have that more of an opportunity to turn these guys into prospects into a lead.

Anything else you want to touch on that?

I would say those are the three main goals with any type of cold call prospecting is if your clients don’t like you and trust you they’re not going to transact with you so preach that on a daily basis to our guys you know we’re going to talk a little bit more about leads and how we convert leads and bring them in our next video so check that one out don’t forget.

Yea guys and one more thing is on our prospecting calls obviously the goal, we’re in sales right, we really want to see if these guys want to do something in the future so it’s finding a motivation is definitely something that we look for as well on our calls.

And we’ll talk more about that in our next video about leads and determining if it’s a qualified lead or not.

Thank guys , we’ll be in touch. Follow us thanks!


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